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Showing posts with the label Nature of God

Our Great and Merciful God (J. Reuben Clark)

“I  believe  that  our  Heavenly  Father  wants  to  save  every  one  of H is  children.  I  do  not  think  He  intends  to  shut  any  of  us  off. … “… I  believe  that  in  His  justice  and  mercy  He  will  give  us  the  maximum  reward  for  our  acts,  give  us  all  that  He  can  give,  and  in  the  reverse,  I  believe  that  He  will  impose  upon  us  the  minimum  penalty  which  it  is  possible  for  Him  to  impose”  (J. Reuben Clark,  Conference  Report,  Oct.  1953,  84).

dream of Brigham Young's father re tutoring God (Brigham Young)

I recollect a dream that my father had. He dreamed that he was travelling, and that during his journey he came to a tremendous mountain of snow and saw that his pathway was hedged up. But some one said, “Take one more step.” My father replied, “But that will be the last.” However, he took that step, and then his guide said, “Do you not, see that there is room for you to take another?” When he had taken another, his guide told him to take still another in advance; and there was a passage all the way through. So it will be with us. The Lord will not reveal all that we at times wish him to . If a schoolmaster were to undertake to teach a little child algebra, you would call him foolish, would you not? Just so with our Father: He reveals to us as we are prepared to receive , and I hope to continue to learn. There is no cessation, in time nor in eternity, to the progress and increase of the righteous. If we will but put away every selfish feeling, we can come in possession of all the bl

the Scriptures teach us of our unchangeable God (McConkie)

"I think the proper course for us to pursue is to turn to the Holy Scriptures and learn what the Lord has done for the people of His church in days of old. The more we know about the way an unchangeable God has operated in days past, the greater surety we will have that He will repeat Himself in days present..."  (Elder McConkie, New Era, July 1978, 5)

God's anger (Maxwell)

It is customary, even understandable, when we read of God's indignation and anger to think of it in terms of an angry mortal father and not ponder it much more.  Some even mutter about Old Testament "tribalism," mistakenly thinking of God as being personally piqued or offended at some act of wickedness or stupidity because He has told us to behave otherwise.  This is erroneous, bumper-sticker theology.   Simply because we are, so often, angry at a wrong done to us, we [wrongly] assume the same about God's anger.   Neal A. Maxwell, "Sermons Not Spoken," p. 83  

Heavenly Father loves all His children (Oaks)

"Heavenly Father loves all His children. This is an immensely powerful idea that children can begin to understand through the love and sacrifice of their earthly parents. Love is the most powerful force in the world. I pray that every parent is providing the kind of loving example that encourages the rising generation to understand the love of God toward them and the great desire of our Heavenly Father that all of His children on earth do what is necessary to qualify for the choicest blessings of eternity." —Dallin H. Oaks, " The Gospel Culture ",  Liahona and Ensign , March 2012

the character of God

It is the first principle of the Gospel to know for a certainty the character of God and to know that we may converse with him as one man converses with another… Joseph Smith, Journal of Discourses (King Follet Discourse) 6:4

The Nature of God and our efforts to become like Him

Our Heavenly Father is more liberal in His views, and boundless in His mercies and blessings, than we are ready to believe or receive. … God does not look on sin with [the least degree of] allowance, but … the nearer we get to our Heavenly Father, the more we are disposed to look with compassion on perishing souls; we feel that we want to take them upon our shoulders, and cast their sins behind our backs. Joseph Smith, "Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith" pp. 240-41