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Believe in God (Mosiah 4:9)

Believe in God; believe that He is, and that He created all things, both in heaven and in earth; believe that He has all wisdom, and all power, both in heaven and in earth; believe that man doth not comprehend all the things which The Lord can comprehend. Mosiah 4:9

I have heard no bad news (Thoreau)

“I know that I am. I know that another is who knows more than I, who takes an interest in me, whose creature, and yet whose kindred in one sense, am I. I know that the enterprise is worthy. I know that things work well. I have heard no bad news.” Henry David Thoreau

comfortable gods (Holland)

Sadly  enough... it  is  a  characteristic  of  our  age  that  if  people  want  any  gods  at  all,  they  want   them  to  be  gods  who  do  not  demand  much,  comfortable  gods,  smooth  gods  who  not  only  don’t  rock  the  boat  but  don’t  even  row  it,  gods  who  pat  us  on  the  head,  make  us  giggle,  then  tell  us  to  run  along  and  pick  marigolds. Elder Jeffrey R. Holland April 2014 General Conference

wise men talk because they have something to say...(Plato)