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little acts

Chemists who are familiar with analyzing matter, inform you that the globe we inhabit is composed of small particles, so small that they cannot be seen with the unaided natural eye, and that one of these small particles may be divided into millions of parts, each part so minute as to be indiscernible by the aid of the finest microscopes.  So the walk of man is made up of acts performed from day to day.  It is the aggregate of the acts which I perform through life that makes up the conduct that will be exhibited in the day of judgment, and when the books are opened, there will be the life which I have lived for me to look upon, and there also will be the acts of your lives to look upon.  Do you not know that the building up of the Kingdom of God, the gathering of Israel, is to be done by little acts?  You breathe one breath at a time; each moment is set apart to its act, and each act to its moment.  It is the moments and the little acts that make the sum of the life of man.  Let every s

to be happy, live the Gospel

There is not a man or woman in this congregation, or on the face of the earth, that has the privilege of the holy Gospel, and lives strictly to it , whom all hell can make unhappy.  You cannot make the man, woman or child unhappy who possesses the Spirit of the living God; unhappiness is caused by some other spirit. Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses 3:343

treat carefully what you receive from Heaven

There is one principle that I do wish the people would observe, that is, do not ask God to give you knowledge, when you are confident that you will not keep and rightly improve upon that knowledge...Do not ask for revelations to dictate you in this, or the other, unless you are sure that you can obey them.  Do not suffer yourselves to falter in your faith, and to say that the door of revelation is closed, for I tell you that there are now too many for your good, unless you hearken more diligently than you have hereto, unless you apply more closely in your lives what is revealed and live your religion more faithfully. Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses 3:338

About this blog (in case you are wondering):

One does not have to view much of this blog before they are likely to think, and perhaps exclaim: “wait a minute, this is nothing special, not really that creative or unique...rather, its just a collection of quotes and ideas from Church leaders and other great thinkers.”  Yes, that is EXACTLY what this is and exactly what this is intended to be.  More than anything, this blog is my study notebook, a place to keep quotes and ideas I come across while reading various books and articles.  I endeavor to read and record a variety of topics and authors.  Notwithstanding, the blog has been, and will continue to be, replete with quotes from Elder Maxwell and Brigham Young (two of my heroes). When I first started blogging last year, I intended to sprinkle a few of my own ideas and musings herein on occasion.  However, I have yet to run out of wonderful quotes and ideas from people much smarter than me, and I expect that 50 years from now (assuming I’m still around), I’ll still be finding quot